Legends of 'Thar'

A ‘Tribute’ to this mystical land!

Stories unheard, sounds unexplored , unnoticed unconditional love .
People of this land are a great example of how even with such extreme conditions they could elope with natures love with respect.


A 'Tribute' to this mystical land!

Price : $xyz

Indigenous experience

7 days/6 nights


Desert Dwellers !

Stories unheard, sounds unexplored , unnoticed unconditional love .People of this land are a great example of how even with such extreme conditions they could elope with natures love with respect.Learn about the life of Desert and what made the people of Thar so hospitable and loving.
Join us and be a part of an expedition taking you through the culture , people and heritage of these amazing ‘Desert Dwellers’


destination 1

Donec rhoncus magna vitae dui dapibus fermentum. Mauris id ante nec sapien vehicula lobortis. Aliquam ut massa in lectus viverra fringilla. Sed dapibus, arcu id egestas fringilla, odio leo aliquam risus, et aliquet metus nunc a dui. 

destination 2

Donec rhoncus magna vitae dui dapibus fermentum. Mauris id ante nec sapien vehicula lobortis. Aliquam ut massa in lectus viverra fringilla. Sed dapibus, arcu id egestas fringilla, odio leo aliquam risus, et aliquet metus nunc a dui. 

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